
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Focused Fisherman

The late 19th and early 20th century brought immigrant settlers to the Point.  They arrived with skills to make a living off the land and water.  Amongst many skills and trades, they were fishermen, hunters, farmers, carpenters, loggers, miners and teachers.  We know they worked long hours in tough and treacherous conditions.  From their results (as are expressed in historical articles like the one below) it seems they were immediately proficient and prolific.  It fills us with pride to read about a record setting harvest or catch, but we know the harvests and catches weren't always bumper.  For those of us who spent a lot of time with our pioneer grandparents, we know they experienced the abundance and poverty of nature.

We get gifts from our parents and grandparents.  As for a gift from my grandfather Stanley Oman?  I know I learned how to drive goals, objectives, expectations and results from him, long before it was vogue in my boardroom discussions.  I am thankful for the things he taught me.
So I attached this Ironwood Daily Globe article from 1952.  I love these historical pieces my brother finds in the Globe.  The attention grabber for me is the photograph. Look at the focus in their eyes and their faces.  This is a team with their 'game faces' on!  Consider what the reporter experienced that day...the temperature, the smells, the sounds.  I am going to be that reporter this summer when I ask my uncle Eric about that November day on the lake.

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