
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Wolf Management in 1923?

In light of the recent change to wolf hunting in the upper midwest, this article from the 1923 Ironwood Times caught my attention.

Gogebic County paid $10.00 for a wolf or coyote, which equates to about $140.00 today!  And...the resident could keep the carcass!

How about current experiences?  Over the past two decades, I have seen my share of wolves at the Point, with no negative encounters.  However, in the western UP there are many documented stories of livestock, pet and (excessive) deer predation by wolves.  This probably indicates an increase in the wolf population and expectations of additional problems.
I think the government actually had it right by removing the wolf from the endangered species list and setting up a managed hunt.  We seem to manage all hunting and fishing activities with acceptable results.  I think we can coexist with the wolf via DNR management.  For me, it is thrilling to hear the howling or get a glimpse of one in the woods or at the side of the road.

It is always interesting to follow the ebb and flow of the political process in this country.

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